
To filter table's rows by any value you can use where clause. Each item of where clause should return boolean value.

Main format of where clause looks like bellow:

const query = {
  filter: {
    where: {
      operator: DBOperators,
      args: Array<DBWhere | DBWhereArgs>

See types descriptions of DB Operator, DB Where and DB Where Arguments for more details.

operator: string: one of listed values:

Logic Operators

Operator Description
&, and (a = 5) AND (b = 6)
|, or (a = 5 OR a = 6)
!, not IS NOT TRUE

Math Operators

Operator Description
= = 3
!=, <>, ne != 3
>, gt > 5
>=, gte >= 5
<, lt < 7
<=, lte <= 7

Other Operators

Operator Description
in IN [1, 2]
notIn NOT IN [1, 2]
like LIKE '%hat'
notLike NOT LIKE '%hat'
iLike ILIKE '%hat' (case insensitive)
notILike NOT ILIKE '%hat'
startsWith LIKE 'hat%'
endsWith LIKE '%hat'
substring LIKE '%hat%'
regexp REGEXP/~ '^[h | a | t]'
notRegexp NOT REGEXP/~ '^[h | a | t]'
iRegexp ~* '^[h | a | t]'
notIRegexp !~* '^[h | a | t]'
between BETWEEN 6 AND 10
notBetween NOT BETWEEN 11 AND 15
overlap && [1, 2] (PG array overlap operator)
contains @> [1, 2] (PG array contains operator)
contained <@ [1, 2] (PG array contained by operator)
all > ALL (SELECT 1)

args: Array<DBWhere | DBWhereArgs>:

  args: ['id', 3]

Where id is column name and 3 is value

const query = {
  filter: {
    where: {
      operator: '=',
      args: [ 'id', 2 ] // id = 2
  context: {
    tableName: '245ce633-796f-4dfa-ae6f-4b2762adbf44'

This query will be converted to SQL statement:

SELECT * FROM "245ce633-796f-4dfa-ae6f-4b2762adbf44" WHERE "id" = 2;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""